The Grand Opening of CAS Logistics Limited. It is our pleasure to have Hon Frankie YICK, Prof. W.B. LEE, Prof. Simpson POON, Prof. Edwin CHAN & Mr. Walter CHUNG as our Honorable Guests.

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Special Thanks

Guest of Honors

Hon Mr. Frankie Yick, Member of Legistlative Council;

Prof. W.B. LEE, Chair Professor, Director of Knowledge Management & Innovation Research Center and PolyU-Microfsoft Enterprise Systems Centre, Dept of ISE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

 Prof. Edwin Chan, Professor, Associate Head (Research), Award Coordinator for MSc / PgD in CLDR, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

Prof. Simpson Poon, Assistant Executive Director, Headquarters Division 2 of Vocational Training Council;

Mr. Walter CHUNG, Honorable Advisor – Business Succession, CAS Logistics Limited;

Participating Guest   *In alphabetical order in English

Mr. Ken CHAK, Assistant Manager of I.T. Department, Hankyu Hanshin Express (HK) Ltd;

Dr. Alex CHAN, Vice General Manager, Leelog Limited;

Dr. C.Y. CHAN, CEO, COW Technology Limited;

Ms. Jenny B.L. CHAN, Programme Manager, Knowledge Management & Innovation Research Center, Dept of ISE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

Dr. Michael CHAN, CEO of Global Trading Services (Asia) Limited;

Mr. Wilson CHAN, Assistant Manager, Hong Kong Science & Tech. Park Corporation;

Ms. Bernice Y.K. FUNG, Dept. of S.H.T.M., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

 Prof. Richard FUNG, Associate Professor in The City University of Hong Kong;

Dr. K.C. KO, Vice President, Johnson Electric;

Mr. Alex LAU, Representative of Speek Track Logistics Limited;

Mr. Keith LAW, CEO at Chunsing (HK) Logistics Limited;

Mr. Stephen LEE, Chairman of Excellence Consulting;

Dr. T.C. LEE, Awardee of ISE Distinguished Alumni Award 2012, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

Mr. Brian LEUNG, Assistant Manager, Logistics Operations at DHL;

Mr. Paul LI, 榮通集團總裁;

Mr. Macson MA, 深圳市科荣软件有限公司總裁;

Mr. Victor MA, CFO, COW Technology Limited;

Mr. Andy MAK, General Manager, V-Cube;

Mr. John MAK, Business Development Manager of Speek Track Logistics Limited;

Prof. Eric NGAI, Professor – Area-coordinator of Management Information Systems (MIS), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

Dr. Harry SO, CEO of DHS Engineering Limited;

Ms. Peony H.M. TAM, Project Management Trainee of CAS Logistics Limited;

Mr. Y. C. Tsim, Dept. of ISE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

Mrs. & Mr. TSUI, Directors of TOPS (HK) Limited;

Mr. Franky WONG, Representative, Chunsing Logistics (H.K.) Limited;

Mr. Rocky WONG, Representative, Sider Electronic Industries Limited;

Ms. Shirley WONG, Representative, Chunsing Logistics (H.K.) Limited;

Mr. W.K. WONG, Principal of PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School;

Mr. Y.C. WONG, System Manager, VTech;

Mrs. & Mr. YEUNG, Directors of Kwan Tung Pak Yuen Tong (Ling Yok Tack Hing Tong) Union Medicine Factory Limited;

Mr. Ericson K.W. YUEN, Project Coordinator of Kwan Tung Pak Yuen Tong (Ling Yok Tack Hing Tong) Union Medicine Factory Limited;

Prof. Kevin YUEN, Academic Staff, University of Liverpool (UK);

Prof. K.L. YUNG, Associate Head, Dept. of ISE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

August 21, 2013

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