“We are Cloud Makers” : CASL is designated First Runner Up for innovative software and game design competition jointly organized by e-zone, Aliyun and Towngas Telecom (TGT)
The concept of Cloud Computing has come with enormous benefits to both individual and business users and been evolving with high elasticity to fit sundry applications on personal and business purpose. To propel the popularity of Could Computing, e-zone and Towngas Telecommunications Company Limited (TGT) jointly organized a competition titled “We are Cloud Makers” to collect innovative software and game design to which Cloud Computing applies. In October, it was confirmed that the app – “智雲生活網” – presented by CASL had lead the way in top three shortlist. After submitting app prototypes for further evaluation, CAS team is pelased to announce that CASL is designated and admired as First Runner-up Winner.

>CASL Team is  desginated First Runner Up for innovative software.

“Make life easier” is the promotion slogan of ” “智雲生活網”. CASL team believed that collaboration of Location Based Service (LBS) and O2O mobile application can bring net users convenience in daily life. As there are many popular websites with public API,  “智雲生活網” helps small business more competitive against giants in the industry by linking the back-end applications from a pool of sellers and the front-end applications of every-day-life information. It works in regular situations, say a restaurant reservation. Once a customer make reservation in a restaurant, his comsumption record and personal preference will be sent automatically to the application of the restaurant via  “智雲生活網”. CASL team indicated that the app made use of multiple Aliyun serivces like Relational Database Service (RDS) in order to keep the storage usage was extraordinarily low as 2MB.

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